Agreed. Since I bought my nook, I probably read an average of 4-5 more novels per year than I used to.
Agreed. Since I bought my nook, I probably read an average of 4-5 more novels per year than I used to.
And it's infesting the sewer and water systems across the globe!
And let's face it, do they really need to worry about their reproductive health?
While I do agree with you wholeheartedly on the sentiment, if you do put yourself out there, being ignored is hardly the worst thing that can happen.
Excess and stubborn arrogance is what got us into space in the first place.
And I suppose we need a government agency created to monitor all economic activity and decide what each of us needs so that it can determine how all the money in the country should be distributed fairly.
What's inappropriate about the amount they have?
I thought the same thing.
Not bad from that angle. Sort of looks like a Scirocco.
But that is not the correct analogy.
That actually turned into more fun for me.
I do agree with him for many special effects laden movies, but if I'm just watching a drama or a comedy, streaming is just fine and the arguments against streaming sound just like the audiophiles arguments against MP3.
Film is so rarely used anymore, I would guess that they are able to charge whatever they want for the few customers that use it.
No catch. Online banks don't have the overhead of branches so they don't have to recoup costs.
Just go to an online bank.
Not to mention that many of the Apple resellers, that charge about these prices all the time, do not charge sales tax.
What could go wrong?
Yeah, I agree. This girl is so completely annoying, but at least she got out there and tried something. She is certainly reaping rewards for her efforts. I might find it to be some of the most horrifying trash in existence but I like that she did something for herself.
Society flows and goes through changes just like any other organism. It will not be destroyed, just changed.