

It's amazing to think that I used to have to carry around with me, about 2 lbs of tapes for listening on my Walkman.

Seeing as how the invite is titled, "Back To The Mac," I doubt that there will be any mention of the VZW iPhone or an iPad update.

@kaffeen: I second what Ashaleeeee said. If you are still within the one year warranty period, they will replace your nook because of the cracked bezel.

@zeusrex: All good points. I would say that I argue for everyone to do as they choose until such time as their actions begin to infringe upon another's rights.

@zeusrex: I am going to make an attempt to respond without all the hyper reaction that seems to inherently exist alongside this topic and, maybe bring calm to the discussion.

@Die Fledermaus: I'm in that industry and I would cry out pretty loud if that happened.

@thrashanddestroy: Even at the time that came to light everyone was saying that there were lots of ways the deal could have been changed or altered, or even AT&T's craptastic network issues could have been cause to nullify parts of the contract.

I'm pretty skeptical at this point that it will happen, but that's probably because I'm rumor weary about the Verizon iPhone.

@Knight1047: Science has never gotten in his way before. I don't think Lucas could even spell science.

@kapnasty: "I never said all rich people only care about shit that affects them, directly or indirectly."

@FriarNurgle: Could also be for those willing to donate a kidney or part of their liver, I suppose. All of the organs we have extras of that we could donate without the pesky death that would result if we donated our heart, for instance.

@kapnasty: As opposed to the way all the poor people care about everything that doesn't affect them? Or the middle class people?

I don't really think it's a bad idea at all to pay for city/county services directly. I would love it if I could do that and see how much each of the services costs me instead of dumping a big pile of tax money on them and letting them sort it out without any knowledge of it in the hands of the citizens.

@BazookaJoe: I find it strange that people keep using this image as an example.

@BazookaJoe: I actually try this manually and can tell you it would not work. All the networks sync their ad timing.

I am almost never, ever in favor of new laws. As a philosophy I just think we have enough.

@Lazarus511: There are mysterious stairs that go down. Who knows what's in the basement?