
It was about time they laid that down to rest.

Or you could just take in account the stuff she says during the game, pay attention to the treatment the sorceresses were historically given in the FF8 world, and with that, you can come up with a far more convincing backstory for her than the hole-riddled mess that R=U is.

If Rinoa were Ultimecia, it would actually ruin completely the game due to that spitting on the face of the themes the game is supposed to represent.

Griever being summoned doesn’t work as proof here because she’s explicitly taking an image from his mind and giving it physical form to force Squall fight against the creature he thinks is the most powerful. Plus, as if she there weren’t enough evidence that she can pry into other people’s minds such as her ability to

You guys are all looking at it from the wrong viewpoint: Ultimecia does have a story, and furthermore it is told in the game itself. The thing is that the way it was told was so subtle that most people who didn’t pay close attention wouldn’t have caught it.