
I like how people are calling this a strawman when you can literally go to any article about gender and gaming on this site and wind up with literally those exact comments. If people don't like being called out on it, maybe they should stop saying this stupid predictable shit every time Patricia puts up an article or

Oh, it's so good! I'm really looking forward to the second one.

This reminds me. I still haven't seen the first movie. Gonna need to find some time for that.

I would try it out if he or she implemented more than one sound clip. Now if they somehow get godzilla to do this:

"weather that creates naturally-formed puddles"

We clashed on ODeck over a portrayal of a gender variant character. It was pretty civil on both our parts though. :3

Constructive and civil, and you can tell me to my (digital) face that my opinions are lacking in basis and warrant. Go for it!

You may not like everything I write. In fact you probably won't. Fair warning. This is all me, and as such, I'll be hit and miss.

I don't see anyone piling on him. I see people saying he should apologize and revisit his opinion (some of them are using harsh language) but no one is calling for him to get fired or mobbed or lynched. Not seriously, anyway. And judging by the recommends, there are FAR more people who are ok with him getting a

Because calling them mocking names earns you respect? And proves that you aren't a TERF?

Yo, there are several cis women who model male clothing, either regularly or on occasion: