
Not entirely sure how the Old Blood was supposed to work. How does Old Blood go away when everyone is descended from the same people who survived The Breaking? How is Manetheren Old Blood different from the Old Blood in one of the other Ten Nations?! Its all Old Blood! Nevermind geneaology doesn't give innate language

Moiraine in books: I am a simple noblewoman looking for good stories. Those young men could help me carry my luggage or something perhaps.

I kinda wonder if Dr Mann had a trans or intersex girlfriend who died given how she “seemed sad” and was lamenting how many "brilliant beautiful women" were killed.

Horror can have a catharsis factor, say it ends with the kids beating the shit out of the people who run it and then go off to live happily ever after. Depends how much it is torture porn and how much its "people overcoming horrible monster". Think it depends on who makes it.

Conversion camp horror movie? Sounds like could be interesting. Hire Natasha Lyonne and Clea DuVall!

Sorry I didn't cover up minor 20+ year old spoilers, subreddit!

He gets it book one, Fain steals it in beginning of book 2 and they get it back towards the end of the book. Book 3 he gets his Healed of his connection to it and it sits in a store room in Tar Valon for several books before Fain steals it again.

Mat pre vs post Dagger. Its like hes a completely new person!

Call me when they put some Warhammer Fantasy on there! Thry have plenty of books to draw from and Total War Warhammer games are getting people into the setting. Gimme a Gotrek and Felix anthology!

Give us closure on Sam and Lara! With kissing. 

Thundercats Roar was amazing and deserved more seasons. I am looking forward this to being just as great!

Ended up doing my own breakdown and looks like we see the capture of Logain.

Awww yisssss! Though maybe its because I am watching it on a tiny screen with bad light right now, but I recognize very little of whata going on in this. Was that Nynaeve shoving Egwene in a river? Why is it escaping Shadar Logoth done different or are they visualizing the metaphor of saidar?

Been meh on the series and whole concept but really enjoyed this episode.

Kinda funny then that if Loki does bring them down he stopped the biggest bad out of all the MCU in his little show. What is killing half a universe compared constantly destroying entire universes

The TVA does seem like pretty grand scale villains who profess "The Greater Good".  I mean they decide what people should do and kill anyone who varies from that, even unknowingly.

Pink hair made me think it was Gwenpool for a second.

Been excited about this game since heard it has a Z axis, more buildy games like this need it.

Eh never played a Far Cry but it does seem like it has some interesting new mechanics. Hopefully its story isn't a tired old "everyone is bad in the end".

Now what are Paradox fans supposed to comment on every single Paradox thing besides asking where Victoria 3 is?