2016 in Game Development: We thought about adding women but then we thought ‘What about the mens?’
2016 in Game Development: We thought about adding women but then we thought ‘What about the mens?’
Wonder if you can harass the ducks now too.
Setting wildfires? Pushing boulders on people? Link confirmed menace to society. Probably going to harass some birds and smash some pottery too.
At 2:14
Needs a Ski Free option where you get chased down mountain by a Yeti
Bethesda.net has searchable mods for all platforms.
I hadn’t really paid any attention to this game till I saw the trailer today and found out is an alt history WWII? Now my interest is piqued and I have another Paradox game to suck at.
The real horror both the games provided was teasing things and then snatching them away so we can just dream of what we could have had.
Great Fairies were so weird to see even as a kid.
August? Thats not too bad really. Hopefully its for the best and will mean a better game.
There actually are Chaos dwarves. They crew artillery for Warriors of Chaos
Hopefully Khemri and Nagash are added later!
Heh I know. I fought one battle at the start because I had to since it was a quest battle and despite my overwhelming advantage, I took more a lot more damage then I should of.
I have been enjoying the undead so far. I wish they added more to the Vampire Counts then Von Carsteins but I have a feeling there will be more additions in future. Finding places to raise armies of the dead, and corrupting provinces is a fun mechanic.
I am loving the game. I am a bit of a Warhammer nerd and have never played Total War game but always liked the idea of them. I have spent last two days playing a single campaign on Normal difficulty as the Vampire Counts. I have been auto-resolving all the battles so far cause I can’t manage the armies well but I am…
Sadly I can’t marry the useless things off in Stellaris. Maybe that will be in the expansion.
Look sometimes you gotta use Daemons to kill Daemons. Ask my buddy Eisenhorn.