Hah same. I am sorta tempted to try the game but with my luck run into that problem.
Hah same. I am sorta tempted to try the game but with my luck run into that problem.
Hah kudos to Rust if this is all a master plot to make people rethink their transphobia. Hey maybe they could include a transition mechanic. Craft/find hormones to cause your body to change over time. But look out for your dysphoria bar causing debuffs!
Ah good. Was worried I would get a lot of comments not seeing what I did there.
Being forced to constantly play a gender you don’t want to in video games. I can’t imagine what that is like.
Hm I do love me some capital ship combat but other then Star Destroyers and variations thereof, I found the other Star Wars capital ships boring and forgettable. They do much better with smaller ship designs.
Heh yeah I wish you could do no kill but couldn't find peaceful solution for Benny.
Jon is the best Youtuber! My favorite ending is the depressing alcoholism ending..
She only cares about what is right which is pretty great.
Read Legend of Wonder Woman. It is great.
I enjoyed it well enough! Hell they made the Amazons pretty queer for once with a big orgy and Diana had a girlfriend (though we only are told this we don’t see them together). That was a nice change of pace for DC.
I am basing my opinion on the fact I had used Second Life like back in high school and its been like 12 years since I have heard of it.
I am more shocked that Second Life is still around to be honest.
Hope they make the glass walls buildable. Really they should make most everything in the game buildable if you have the resources, time, and perks.
Be nice if they give us new stuff to build to get water in places that don’t have pools of water just sitting there. Retrofuturistic Air Well.
I just noticed when they showed off the decontamination that it looks like there is a console where you normally find power cores. Possibly you can build them now and provide your settlement much more energy instead of like 10 noisy generators.
Yes! I hope they keep adding nicer stuff for you to build, it just takes a lot more resources. Walls without holes is a nice start. Also looks like these doorways maybe will actually fit in and not just stick out looking ugly.
Heh I am actually more excited about new building stuff including garden plots.
Well excuuuuuusse me Princess.
Ganon: Also if you are going to put locks on the doors, be sure any generic key can open them and they can’t be locked or even shut again!