
To be fair, Bethesda games always did most of the work making characters look like monsters for you.

Heh yes that was implied.

Yeah but I think Lady Killer/Black Widow are less sexual now and I am hoping you will get option to have similar dialogue choices regardless in the game.

One of the perks lets you breathe underwater so pretty sure all that water is full of stuff to explore.

I must admit I have been really curious how big the map is. Quality over Quantity is great but I like Quality and Quantity. Well even if it is small I am sure I will be spending 1000 hours running around it anyways.

Kinda thinking about getting high intelligence and Charisma character at start. Even if I am terrible at it I can still always do the combat route. But would like to be able to do speech checks and have other option available too me from start.

I remember liking 3 so not sure why it apparently isn’t liked.

I miss Age of Empires, I haven’t played it in years. Seems strange to update II and not III. I am not sure I even have II any more but maybe I will buy it again.

Yeah not going to immediately chalk it up to her acting since that could be how she was told to act.

Pretty cool though can’t say I liked Jessica Chobot’s Samus. Seemed a bit on verge of weeping and scared for the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy.

I saw several for 4 where not only would I want it for my character, I would wear it in real life too.

Tons of exciting details but I am happiest for decent looking hairstyles for women! In a Bethesda game! I am having trouble deciding what I like best.

That shishkebab looks great! No more ugly gas tank to wear.I may go more melee focused then usual.

Pretty sure he is reverse Robin Hood, stealing from the poor to give to the give. If it is a game joke I am not sure which one.

I need to try that game! Biggest worry is it will feel repetitive after awhile.

Yeah but mostly I just thought the relationship tended to be more at Diana’s expense as a character.

Hooray them no longer being together at least!

From my comment above.

I have never played an AC game but I watched Many A True Nerd’s Assassin Creed week recently and those made the series look fun and I kind of want to try this game out since I liked the choice of female protagonist and some of the features. Little dissapointed that it sounds like Evie doesn’t get quite as much focus