
This story comes, as do most of my better ones, from my time working at Space Camp. I was working an adult weeklong camp during the off season and it came to the time of week when the campers participated in their extended mission which was eight hours long. I was working the SpaceHab area which is the self contained

This is awesome and sounds like something that could have happened to Trey Parker's Innocent Mormon character in Orgazmo.

"She lasted two more years before quitting the industry altogether and now lives in Portland."

Bearded Jamie Dornan or GTFO.

God dammit. I thought this was an 8 ball.

Um, did we have sex? If so, and I'm sorry to tell you, the sex was bad. Really very bad. Don't get me wrong though, I'd have sex with you again, but that's only because bad sex is better than no sex. If you live in the PNW, we should make it happen (again).

Mah dearest Angelina,

Aragorn: "Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?"

1/10. Poor trolling attempt. 1 for using the word "feminista" instead of "feminazi". It makes us sound like a party!

.....record scratch. Really? Fucking really?

Wow, #notallmen in RECORD time.

PSA: Please do not engage with w33zy-b4by

Unfortunately, His garment is made from a pretty lightweight cotton material and won't hold your weight. One rip and down you go, and He is standing there in His loincloth. Embarrassing for everyone.

Dear Jenny McCarthy,

my boyfriend pinches my elbow fat and says "it feels like balls". .__.

I have never hated a word as much as I hate "bae". There isn't a word that causes more eyerollage in me than "bae".

Nice try, Blake.