
One of the many things I loathe about the internet era is that I've morphed from a conspiracy-theory-averse skeptic into someone who presumes every single Shocking PR Disaster and Hilarious Social Media Fail is in fact a carefully orchestrated attempt at viral marketing.

So Burger King, then.

One time on the highway I found myself driving behind an SUV sporting a Mary Kay insignia and an InfoWars bumper sticker. It was oddly reassuring to realize I'd had a brush with the one person in the world with whom I'd least want to share a conversation.

I like Demetri Martin in general, but voicing Ice Bear is by far his greatest cultural contribution.

I spent half of Lego Batman convinced that he was voicing Robin and found myself oddly disappointed when I remembered it was Michael Cera. That has little to do with anything, I've just never had an opportunity to express it before.

So long as this in no way interferes with him voicing Panda on We Bare Bears, this is fine with me.

Just follow the rockin'.

I've started listening to old episodes of Wits while I'm driving with my 7-year-old and it's one of my favorite new things to do. I was a big fan during its run, but I get why some people didn't like it. It's sometimes corny, never heavier than PG-13, and features some of the world's funniest people in roles that are

I wasn't sure what to expect from Whitney in this format but she was a great guest all around.

That's probably accurate. He did a pretty amazing job of capturing FJM's brand of wordplay. I'm a fan too, but I can't deny I get where Besser's coming from. I just tend to enjoy that variety of insufferability.

I can not hear enough of Ryan Gaul's motor-mouthed doublespeak, and I want to hear a lot more from reluctant genie Carl Smart (aka Genie, aka Slave).

Between Papa John's Misty on CBB and Matt Besser's derision of his failed pizza-themed podcast on improv4humans, bit of a rough week for Father John Misty in the Earwolfverse.

Ha, that's not him but I'm sure they know each other. Bless those Florida Men.

I've never seen him in action but that sounds very much possible, provided the heckling is more surreal than mean. He's a very weird guy, but in a wonderful way. For my 35th birthday he sent me a Minnesota Timberwolves program with Magic Johnson on the cover, signed by Phil Hartman.

My godfather is in the official Tampa Bay Rays fan hall of fame, I think because he actually attends Tampa Bay Rays games and sometimes makes signs.

The one from grade school was called "Presidential Boogie" and it remains one of the very few pieces of half-remembered cultural detritus that I've never uncovered on the internet. I've found a few similar songs with the same title but never the version that we sang in my grade school basement. It's my lame white

Yeah, we sang a song in grade school music class that listed off all of the presidents from Washington to Reagan and it took hold firmly in my brain.

For years, my go-to move when I can't fall asleep has been reciting the presidents chronologically in my head. I've had to abandon that practice because now if I make it to the end I snap back awake out of horror and revulsion.

Listening to the audio of Dr. Katz episodes on YouTube while I worked is actually how I got into comedy podcasts in the first place, so this makes me very, very happy.

Yeah, I'll grant that Saint Paul isn't necessarily a representative sampling of the Midwest, but I'm a Midwesterner who currently has a female senator and representative, will in all likelihood be voting for a female governor next year, and lives in a state that voted for a female president this year, if just barely.