Also, the NCAA is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of college athletics, but they’re damn good at marketing.
Also, the NCAA is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of college athletics, but they’re damn good at marketing.
London is eligible, but yes, Boston is not.
And it’s not a coincidence that the best runners make it almost impossible to perceive how fast they’re going. The efficiency of movement is a subtle talent only us hardcore running fanboys/girls get off on seeing.
Fwiw, bumping up the incline to about 2 degrees would approximate the wind resistance. Makes it even more mind boggling to imagine doing it for 2 hours.
They’ll hit 20 miles on pace, then massive fade to 2:05.
No one has come forward with how his knee dislocated, but it sure as hell did.
But I’m not trying to convince you to do it, or do it faster. Like the people with their fucking signs.
The people that write their name on their bib for this purpose should be escorted from the course and shot.
As someone who’s run more marathons than I care to admit, none of your stupid signs no matter how clever have given me one iota of motivation. So just stop.
I’m no war hawk, but even with pressure from China I don’t see removing NK’s nuclear capabilities without violence. And I’m convinced they need to be removed.
Gawker and the Alt-Right now in bed together. I’m all for consenting adults doing whatever they please, but that’s some kinky shit.
Made a bet with a buddy that AP wouldn’t be on a roster week 1, we settled on 4/1 odds. I like my chances.
And now begins the insane list of names delusional IU fans throw out to replace him.
Vikings twitter actually put out a coin flip hype video.
Fine, but I just used “you’re” and “your” on the internet correctly about 10 times. So I’m just going to be proud of my post.
I was going to make a joke about those two people being the same, but seemed kinda like a low blow.
What’s the old adage? When you’re in your 20's and you’re a Republican you don’t have a heart. When you’re in your 30's and you’re a Democrat you don’t have a brain.
800m is not a sprint.
Yeah, I get it. Rich famous guy is a douche. Bad tweets!
The problem with this reasonable logic is it takes the power aware from the Teacher’s Unions. And when it comes to contract negotiations, it’s important that everyone know they’re the de facto parents to these kids. But when the students are failing, they get to throw their hands up and say “what, were just the…