Lo Eye Kyu

I swear the AI has an increased chance to land head shots. It feels like I can count on one hand the number of times a stray shot has hit an enemy mech’s head and injured the pilot, yet every match 2 or 3 of my pilots take damage from stray headshots and are taken out of action for 20 days.

Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy.

So, let’s pretend you do have a paid off house. Maybe you inherit one from a deceased parent. Would you mortgage it and put all that money into an investment fund and take on a monthly mortgage payment? That’s essentially what you are doing if you decide it’s not worth paying off your mortgage. And yes, some people

Let’s slow down a bit on the effective interest rate calc.... due to tax law changes, a large number of taxpayers with a decent amount of mortgage interest will not be itemizing in ‘18 and won’t get that benefit.

Can Russian bots even be “alright”?

Mmm... strawberries. I have yet to taste one from a grocery store that even comes close to the tasty goodness of a home-grown (and pesticide-free!) strawberry.

You didn’t even mention particle size. Standard lipid panel tests are what your insurance company will pay for, so that’s what the entire medical system operates on unfortunately. Instead, do what you can to take control of your health by finding a local independent lab through - they even run monthly

you can brown a couple tablespoons of ketchup too, if you don’t have tomato paste.

That’s not true.

right? I’mma do a kickstarter where I promise to double your au jus! I’ll be rolling in the kickstarter funds! and my idea? it’s basically the same idea as this article’s but you put in a plate of tepid water! water! those facebook dumb fucks will hand their $$$ over like nobody’s business.... ;) 🔚

right? I’mma do a kickstarter where I promise to double your au jus! I’ll be rolling in the kickstarter funds! and

I live very close to a warehouse and would get “super saver shipping” delivered in just a couple of days. Now they fail to miss the mark on Two Day shipping all the time. They clearly don’t prioritize that part of the business anymore.

What’s chilling is how swift and sure that movement is. It’s not the first or second or hundredth time she’s dodged Daddy.

With all due respect to you, Rebecca * But fuck Tiffany Trump. She is NOT an ally. She is NOT part of any #resistance Tiffany Trump is interested in Tiffany Trump and could give zero shits over seventeen dead high-school kids. Any one with the last name Trump deserves not one iota of a benefit of doubt.

Clearly this car delivery guy has a day job and just delivers cars on the side.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

He bought it that way, directly from Copart. He has since bought a second, destickered DXP that had the remaining mods in place.

It is the responsibility of the original owner to remove all logos from the vehicle prior to sale/disposal.

This was designed as a suspension bridge... How could any engineer, superintendent, or safety officer think it was advisable to leave that span unsupported for even a day? Armchair engineering here, but I work in construction management so these failures are of particular interest to me. Looking at the photos of the