Lo Eye Kyu

Martin Shrekli or whatever just got sentenced to a couple years in prison. They got that one right. He’s even a white CEO! But that’s one raindrop in a sea of failure on the behalf of our criminal “justice” system.

Y’know what? Thanks for taking the time to break things down to the level you did; there’s a tendency in current social discourse to immediately take the most emotionally-reflexive and intellectually simple reaction to any situation, and I really appreciate that you slowed down and broke this situation into its

Uh, I’m not suggesting giving up rights at all. I’m explaining a very complicated situation to those who might want more information about the issue being discussed. I’m not sure why you equate knowledge with a hidden agenda to take everything away and create a dystopian bubble—that’s a very skewed view. Get unbent :)

Try not to overthink the study, people. You lose weight by giving up sugary drinks and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. If the “food” comes in a box or bag, it’s bad for you. Period. Stick with the produce aisle and the unprocessed meats and you are on the path to weight loss.

Indeed. For the first time in my life, I’m not following any specific diet or even counting my calories. I’m just paying attention to what I eat, and trying harder to recognize when I’m only eating out of boredom or habit. Without any structure or system I’m eating way less, losing weight faster, and feeling like it’s

I still think you’re not quite understanding the difference in population density between the stretch of California between SF and LA, and Iowa.

she’s a big fan of breitbart, so clearly she’s particularly fond of reality fanfic. i have to say, though, that if this is her first foray into the genre herself, she needs a better editor.

I’m sorry but... that fucking Duggar hair. 🤢🤢🤢

She cares about local control until the locals do something she (the GOP and Big Business) don’t like. In Minnesota, activists, tired of the inaction of the state legislature (Republican controlled), changed the minimum wage in the city of Minneapolis to $15.00/hour. What did the Chamber and the Business Partnership

With Juicero, you could always manually squeeze the packets and get the juice out of them. No matter how hard you squeeze Peter Daou, you’ll never get anything useful out of him.

So do you enjoy working at coindesk? What’s their number one employment requirement? Trolling? Or the inability to recognize humor?

That goes without saying, but anytime something new like this comes on the scene, even more scams pop up. Combine that with cryptocurrencies untraceability and it makes it even worse.

Google express is free

Really using unsalted butter professionally is just about controlling variables. I love the taste of salted butter (raw radishes+salted butter por vida) but I’ve got bills to pay and I’m not trying to play Russian salt mine roulette with my baked goods like that, just hoping the salt content is consistent.

Lutz is the complete opposite of a “scared-old-man.” Think more like “salty seasoned automotive veteran” who has seen many car companies come and go.

There’s a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gives a new boyfriend an ultimatum — either me or your cats. He chooses the cats, and it’s supposed to be this huge, humiliating thing for Elaine that the cats were more important to him than she was. And all I could think was, “Clearly no one involved with this show is a pet

:Yep. And I’m mainlining.

Judging by most people’s reactions, the first thing to do is to go on Twitter and say something to the affect “Holy Shit! Missiles are coming, this is crazzzzzzy!”

Spoiler alert: you don’t.

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”