
“Looks like you auctioned off your Demon. Guess your next 10 deliveries are nothing but fully optioned Darts and 200s. Best wishes!”

That Murray push mower is also the best value in the “mowing things down” category.

This one sucks. One of my favorite singers. I absolutely loved his Scream album. Brilliant to listen to all the way through. I had been hoping there’d be an Audioslave reunion so I could see them live, but... damn...

Wrangler has to be on the list. Obvious choice but for a reason.

I’m sorry to hear that, bro.

PLAN accordingly. Maybe getting the last minute flight to Aunt Edna’s funeral is not the best decision? Maybe fly out a day in advance so you are sure you will make it there no matter what. And in the adult world, meetings get missed all the time, if your flight is delayed or cancelled.... it’s delayed or cancelled...

My point — poorly made — is that life is about tradeoffs.

You also have the right not to buy a plane ticket.

So I guess the guns were inside us all the time huh?

OK. For some reason, I thought I remembered Jeremy Clarkson saying it had the same engine as the SVT Lightning.

“First day, what a deal! Instead of ten years prison time I was supposed to be sentenced to, they give me a chance of freedom if I can make it through this maze. And to sweeten the deal even more, they said that once I made it out I’ll need not worry anymore about every expenses in my life. Everything will be taken

I missed this the other day, but this is a story that needs to be told. Many, many moons ago, in 1997 iirc, I was a freshman in college. As an 18 year old, I had to find someone older to buy my booze, and the gentleman I found (and became very good friends with) was an 21 year old African-American fellow (he was

But how fast can it squeeze juice out of prepackaged bags?