William Carmichael

Everything you need to know:
You can watch the first movie and skip everything after that. You’re welcome!

“Peformative”, as applied to a television show or any other dramatic production, is so redundant as to be damn near meaningless. Feels like an attempt to dress up “this is not to my personal taste” as somehow a more substantial criticism than it really is.

I saw Blackalicious play in a great small venue and they kicked all the ass. It was a super energizing experience, just pure joy all the way through. I’m so sorry to hear he’s gone.

Death wasn’t drawn to resemble Tori Amos, for fuck’s sake, she looks nothing like that. DELIRIUM was drawn to resemble Amos, but only by one of the many artists to have contributed to the book.

I mean...I don’t know what you specifically mean by “shades of gray”, but I think the show has created a lot of ambiguity around what role the Scarlet Witch might play in the MCU from now on. Like, given what we’ve seen here, I can imagine a lot of different functional roles she could play when she shows up in the

This is silliest ass slippery slope argument I’ve ever come across. The problem with YOUR problem with multinational corporations making the decision is that multinational corporations are the ones who own these films and/or the broadcasting infrastructure to offer them to audiences. They’re already choosing what you

That was by FAR the best Stan Lee cameo, since it caught both sides of the man’s persona: the idealist and the huckster.

Shortly after the news of Gene Wolfe’s death, I started re-reading a lot of his stuff. And then a small press company announced they were releasing a special edition of his series “The Book of the New Sun”, which my wife ended up getting me as an early birthday gift. So I’m reading that.
I’ve read it three times

Came here to say this. Dude was not known as a songwriter. Not to take anything away from him...he wasn’t a great quarterback, either, doesn’t make him any less terrific.

If you’re interesting in co-op games that are pretty kid friendly, I can’t speak highly enough about “Castle Panic”. It’s a lot of fun, and quick to set up and put away.

This REALLY sounds like the kind of movie you'd end up seeing if you were a character in a Thomas Ligotti story.

Right, an "eternal struggle", with deadly consequences for failure such as severance packages measured in hundreds of millions dollars, which you get if your performance as CEO was merely bad as opposed to horrific. And I'm not your son, you condescending fuckstain.

Actually, it's the people with a vested interested in maintaining the power they've historically had (wealthy white men) who are most fond of setting all the other people against each other. You seem to have fallen for the con.

That's right. He's a troublemaker.

Yep. I don't remember how this scene resolves itself in the book, but I gotta imagine it involves waking up the third sister. I like Leachman's frank confession that Stormare is more an adopted-through-shared-desperation family member that a literal one.

The complexity of electronics manufacturing is, as it happens, not my problem. Neither am I obliged to temper my personal feelings on the subject because of your speculations about a giant corporation's motivations. A careful reading of my comments will reveal that I haven't said a thing about those motivations

Amazon, you may be interested to know, has third-party sellers' listings. It's not unlike checking ebay, and I'd commend you for your perceptiveness except for your dickhead remark about ignorance.

Uh. No. At this point, Nintendo can go fuck themselves. I wanted an NES Classic. Kept checking the lowest available price on Amazon, every day or two since late November, and never saw the price drop $90. Then they discontinued the fucking thing.

"Half Moon Street" with Sigourney Weaver manages to take a story involving international politics and prostitution and create from it a film that is marginally less interesting than reading your car insurance policy.

Jesus, this is terrible. RIP Charlie.