
So what you're saying is that since you worked hard for a year or two, others who have worked hard for 10-20 years deserve less than you.


Love what you just said (the first part, though the second part is great too).

I agree that executives probably run the gamut, but I disagree that they work any harder or are more knowledgeable than many of those working below them. Also, you're right, CTOs should delegate, but they can't delegate properly if they are no longer aware of current practices.

The most disgusting thing about high CEO pay is that, in my experience, executives rarely do any real work. Their job mainly consists of being debriefed, and then forgetting what they read/were told a minute and a half later. Then they sit all day in meetings, and bark orders (without knowing the project very well),

Agreed. Financially, it really isn't feasible (even for those of us in slightly higher up in SES).

Oh, and I'll add, that at a certain age, you're being discriminated against regardless of your views on children.

I agree! I was just talking today about how weird it is to know that you're going to face discrimination at some point in the future...

Awesome additions.

I used the general term "policies," because I think you're right. There are certainly social and cultural policies that have shifted both to make that happen and as a result of changing attitudes.

I'm Canadian too! Living in the States for now, but when I want to push one out, I'll definitely be returning back to Canada.

Also - please disregard my typos (i.e. "not dealing with more household debt"). Wrote this quickly, and didn't notice the mistakes.

Agree that no guaranteed maternity leave should be up there, but because of the other issues listed. There hasn't been guaranteed maternity leave in the past, and somehow (no idea how) people made it through it.

This has been coming forever now. It's a giant clusterfuck of a myriad of bad policies all converging at the same time.

In fairness, I'm on reddit a lot, and I've never seen this meme before. I just did a skim of r/adviceanimals and didn't see it there either in the first three pages. I don't doubt that it's out there, but I do doubt that it's as popular as this article suggests.

Yeah, I agree it is psychological, but I'm not sure I would put it psychologically on par with other non-chemically addictive activities that result in bursts of adrenaline. The issue with calling pot "addictive" is that people tend to have such very different physiological reactions to the substance.

Hmm...interesting. I don't judge - while I've never had an issue with pot, I do have many friends who seem to have the desire to smoke it much more than myself. I suppose there is a physiological component to pot that I just don't get (the relaxation). Pot tends to make me more anxious.

Yeah - I know there is a psychological component, but she speaks as if it is a physical necessity.

Man - I've never felt that sort of need with pot. What sucks is that if she went to a doctor, they'd probably prescribe her some sort of drug that is actually physiologically addictive.