
@LadyLigeia: I kind of hope my boyfriend uses that tonight.

@RocketFool: I don't think that was cocaine he was on...

Why did they have to post this thread when I am supposed to be grading papers?! How am I supposed to resist reading all of these in favor of 50 undergraduate essays?

@1girl: Phew - my roommate is very tall. Dodged a bullet there...

@1girl: Why do men insist on rating women like that? And then telling them?

My sister lost weight while pregnant. Mind you, she was already significantly overweight and unfortunately had morning sickness for 8 months out of her pregnancy.

See, this is where the male dream of Doctor/Bikini Model finds its origins.

Paz de la Huerta is my long-term boyfriend's cousin. Although I have not met her yet, I am supposed to meet her mother for brunch in the next month or so.

New from Mewe Mewe!

Before I was born my older brother said to my parents, "if she is a girl (we have two other sisters) I am going to chop her up, fry her, put her in a bottle and send her across the ocean!" When I was born we shared a room for a little while, and I guess he would watch me while I slept every single night.

I like running, swimming, stretching and doing weights because I like knowing my body. I was a competitive gymnast for most of my life and tried to stay in fairly good shape afterwards. My first year of grad school, I started to become too busy, and began to realize that I no longer knew what it felt like to make one

@samarkand: That is the attitude with which I want to live my entire life!

If I could go back in time, I would have begged my parents to go to an all-girls school. Just to be free of worrying/obsessing about boys constantly in the classroom, so that I would be able to focus on my schoolwork.

This lingerie is very confusing.

@ShinyMcShine: Hmm...I just asked the boyfriend tonight if there are puppies in our future...

@they call me ginger: Yeah, that happens with me and the bf all the time. However, it is normally followed with an "I'm not ready yet," either from me or him (whoever is less stable at the time).

@ArtfulSlinger: No - the point of the interview was for him to address the criticisms of others. We generally don't take into account the "intention" of the author anymore in reading art. He was supposed to be addressing the claims of others, and he didn't - he just said that wasn't the way he sees it.

I still hate Judd Apatow. I don't actually think he clarified anything with this interview - just basically said that he wasn't going to really address criticisms with any serious thought.

This might be off topic but... I really really hate the ideas promulgated that girls past 'puberty,' are sexually mature while not emotionally mature, and therefore having sex with a young teenage girl isn't "that" bad.