
Go easy on Torch. He was an art history major.

That’s one Tesla owner who managed to keep his head.

It’s easier to apologize than to ask permission.

By far the least rusted-out Trailblazer I’ve ever seen.

Find me a better way to use a Trailblazer besides doing “sweet jumps” off of it, and I’ll cut you an insurance fraud based check!

This policy makes perfect cents.

Praying that was intentional and not a typo.

Sounds fare to me.

Yes, but does she have a lightweight aluminum chassis and a V6 that makes V8 power?

Most of us can agree that Formula One needs some sort of cockpit protection on its historically open race cars.

The dumb shit in this story literally had $4k in savings and he blew it all on the down payment of a car significantly out of his price range. This isn’t a case of “being poor is expensive.” It’s a case if being an idiot with money. Now if the story was abut someone who had $200 in cash and had to take out an

The subject of the story literally had $4K in savings. That was his down payment. Sure, lots of people don’t have that, but this guy did.

If you are in a jam and really need a car, go to craigslist, set max price to whatever you have in savings, and search “Honda” and be done with it.

4,000 will buy you a perfectly suitable used commuter car. You don’t need a big fancy truck when your trying to get back on your feet. Sounds like the cycle just repeats itself.

“It may seem easy to write Woodrum off as ignorant of finance, or budgeting, or the car buying process.” That nonetheless doesn’t change the reality that he is.

I hate cars and being around them. That’s why i moved to a big city.

Kudos to the successful test run of Mr. Musk’s mind control gun.

Yeah, you’re right. I was just looking for an excuse to post that video.

Good for Death. He needs a side-project.

Now stop it.