The person with the $175 Escort GT with a functional hood scoop made from a broken dust pan and dryer vent tube does not qualify for “dumbest shit”. This person is a hero.
The person with the $175 Escort GT with a functional hood scoop made from a broken dust pan and dryer vent tube does not qualify for “dumbest shit”. This person is a hero.
Considering the top rocket technology in the world is Russian & is currently being used by every union including the US as the standard Russia is right, without Russia the US rocketry program would be decades behind at this point & still be using outdated technolgy. doesn’t?
I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.
You also have to consider that the inspector’s phrasing was specifically chosen so as not to induce a widespread panic amongst Fiesta owners. I think he’s really trying to emphasize the fact that this was not a manufacturing error but a modding error.
D.B. Pooper
“I’m not dead” sounds like something a dead person would say
Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.
That dude needed to Focus on his drifting more.
It all comes down to Cost/sentiment. If its a car you have fond memories in you will try harder to save it, given the costs to get it running are reasonable.
My Bronco’s been on the road just about 23 years with nothing but regular maintenance (knock on wood). Just felt like bragging about my reliable old shitbox.
It’s because there’s a point in every car owners’ life where they have to decide if they love their car enough to spend the money to keep it going. The amount of money varies, but there’s always a breaking point.
So yeah, pretty much what you said.
For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...
In my company we used to change PCs every 3 years or so. iMac 2006 I gave to my colleague? Runs fine. Every Mac Mini Bought even 5 years ago? Run great.
Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag…
It’s such a minimum requirement that literally two platforms have it, each around 150%+ the price of the average car in the segment.
The "I'll fix it eventually" approach when used correctly, is by definition what it means to be a car guy. First you have the means to fix it, and second you understand the implications of not fixing it. I've rolled the dice and done this a few times.
I like the drag. It re-emphasizes that women are perceived as less than men. Craig loses power by putting on a dress, he becomes less than. If a woman were to put on a man's suit (the suit that he was wearing) she would gain power. Man as woman= silly ridiculous. Woman as man = serious. The whole women should aspire…