I'm Not Gay, but $5 is $5

Sounds like a cool league tbh. Shame that the no criminal record thing will keep the blacks out completely.

Why’s it always have to be a racial thing with you blacks?

Yeah, probably jail or the morgue.

Disable the voice chat then. That way your fee-fees don’t get hurt.

Way to get molested! yaaaas queeeeeen!!!!

I almost smell the soylent

So she’s down to clown?

Bunch of mentally ill tranny shit “people” ruining another great community. Do the world a favor and kill yourselves already.

If they come here legally, I don’t see the problem. Shame that these shitholes produce shithole “people”

Seriously, kill yourself.



It’s for fucking faggots.

Kill yourself

If they let those mentally ill trannies play video games, they should let people call them out for being the disgusting creatures they are.

Try again in 2024

Glad to see her leave her low ratings network job to guest spot on an even lower ratings channel while contributing nothing to her big ratings gig.

“Person” lol, nice try

She’s a tasteless whore. Are you really surprised?

They’re still black, though. Gross

It’s a prank, bro