I'm Not Gay, but $5 is $5

RIP Harambe!

All women are whores. Just need to find the right price.

Look at that pink haired faggot

Pretty funny how you can be the citizen of the year when you didn’t even vote.

Amazing app. Great way to find places to never visit.

It literally is

What a cuck

You disgust me


Good for the guy for winning a tournament for an irrelevant game.

That bitch straight up looks like Harambe tho

That weird bird Sonic looks more like a person than your bio pic.

lol, what the fuck is digital rape?

More proof that kids kill futures

Ah yes, the “I better say I was harassed too so I can get some of that spotlight” approach. Works every time.


So much for the progressive left.

Of course she has a BLM jacket on. lmfao

Look at that face. Woof

Yeah, since this case was thrown out by a criminal court and never charged him, but obviously still deserves to be suspended because some chick lied.