i, Podius

MassDrop is already sold out on the Retro Pi bundle... damn!

MassDrop is already sold out on the Retro Pi bundle... damn!

Oh, HELL yes. I was going to comment this exactly. Mmmm... whisky....

As a white person, a husband to a brown woman and the father of a mixed race kiddo, I would say that yes, you have to stand up to, refute, and if necessary even shame, the racist(s) in your family, but I would stop short of “leaving.” Depending on the circumstances, I feel that leaving sends the absolutely wrong

I think you’re right, but I would say it doesn’t have anything to do with parents not giving a shit. It’s not always the oldest that had the “best upbringing” or “most desirable result.”

This is so true of me and my sister, too. We’re only 19 months apart, and she did finally get straight and is able to hold a job. She effectively lost 20 years of development/living, right down the drugs rat-hole. Raised the same way, went to the same schools, blah blah blah.

Pretty simple for me.

I haven’t seen any talk in this post yet about learning to love what you do as you get better at it. Not a Platonic Ideal situation - finding “the calling” - but just doing... something. Something that doesn’t drive you mad, keeps your mind engaged a bit, and brings in some money for living. Many, many people do this

Leather conditioner depends on the use - I love Saphir Renovateur for shoes, but I haven’t tried it on anything else (mostly because it’s super rich and would take forever to rub into a jacket for example, and expensive as well). I also use Cadillac, though - used to use it on shoes, but switched to the Saphir - and

The link to the 5 Umami Bombs didn’t work, but I’m glad I spent the extra effort to look it up. Gotta find some BTB.

Not a Thanksgiving thing, but my mom and I just did a “victory lap” tour to her old hometown. She hadn’t been back in nearly 50 years, and our family has all moved away since then, so we don’t have a live connection to the place any longer, but mom has terminal cancer, and I felt that it might be nice for her to go

Aw, too soon....

bystanders’ brains respond like stoners, saying “Whaaa?”

Funny - I never knew that they even had stores in the U.S. Now I do! But none near me.

It was like sage, but it wasn’t sage, if that makes any sense.

The Sirens of Titan - seriously one of the greatest stories ever told. Man in a hole. But with a pessimistic, zero-sum ending.

So... you can’t go home again?

Plus, most of the car drivers there were just being out-and-out assholes. Serves them right for playing with a dangerous machine.

Excellent! Thanks. I have a local liquor store that has some interesting whiskeys... may need to see if they can special order this.

I am 100% certain I can tell the difference between a white and red wine where each fall into the middle of the bell curve of what makes them that. There are probably varietals or methods of manufacture that would push me outside of the ability to do that, but for your average bottle, I am confident. Oh, also, I would

My favorite Windows license scam story: