i, Podius

Fair point, I have not had a really old tequila that has sat in oak for a while. But I would bet you good money that I could tell it wasn’t a single malt (as in, made from barley as the single grain). I can usually tell the difference between corn, rye, barley and other types of grain used in the mash, even when it’s

Came to say the same thing, basically. I’ve always been a super picky eater, cannot abide the taste of hops, took a long time of force-drinking to learn to love coffee (and still load it with milk or cream, and prefer low-acid methods of brewing).

I always load some version of a boot manager - usually BootIt Bare Metal from Terabyte Unlimited. Not really an “app” per se, but I like to be able to fully control my disk partitioning and imaging.

Four main machines? That implies that you have yet others lurking as your non-main machines. I’ll bite: what do you do with your four main machines? (And, to be clear, I don’t consider my work-provided-and-maintained laptop to be one of “my machines.”)

Yes! From the “juvenile” point of view, this is a win. “You live and learn, or you don’t live long.”

I was posting that half for the truth of it, and half for MST3K’s sake. Because the line, “AH! Flying elves are back!” really cracks me up, still, 24 years later.

But truthfully, if everyone did what you say is “an additional step” then we wouldn’t have likely got into this mess. For me, a natural part about reading the news is turning on the bullshit detector. It’s funny once you tune that in how many stories have little inconsistencies.

All the really bad accusations aside (Russian collusion, white supremacy, etc.), there is still just a mountain of shit that he’s done, doing or trying to do that is, at least potentially, very wrong. The biggest problem I see with his administration is that he’s got these grand plans that he wants to immediately

Excellent. I tell my daughter all the time that failure is how we get better. I hope she believes it.

Yeah, I figured your comment about being a song writer kinda meant you were stuck with social media. In all honesty, I’m incredibly lucky that I truly, really don’t need it. I have friends that have jobs in entertainment and some who own their own small businesses, and some who do both, and it’s just absolutely a

Now playing

Everything I need to know about leadership, I learned from Hired!

I’ve been on an information diet for years now. No joke, it has probably saved my sanity. About 6 or 7 years ago, I ditched Facebook, went through annoying withdrawal, then felt so much lighter. One of the big reasons I’ve become such a fan of Lifehacker, actually, is that the discussion in these comments seems a bit

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll My friend will probably just wear a bowling brace if he tries with the turkey.

I recently brought back a bottle with an inflatable bottle case that I bought on Amazon - it came with a little pump and everything. Worked really, really well. I will probably bring one or two with me when I go on vacation next time, just to make sure I have something ready.

Hypothetically, will any kind of poultry work? To be more specific, if there’s only a little stress, but it could get worse: to nip it in the bud, would a Cornish hen do the job? Conversely, given that Thanksgiving meal prep stress is closing in, could one, in fact, use a turkey? Asking for a friend.

But you can get minis at pretty much any BevMo. Unless you live in a state that doesn’t have decent liquor sales laws, I guess. Gin is basically vodka that has been infused with, at minimum, juniper berries. There are a number of wonderfully different flavor profiles, too, some of which are bound to be interesting

First job in high school: Chinese restaurant. I’m white. I can’t tell you the number of asshole white people who would come in and assume that I was some kind of race-traitor, and would ask me all manner of asinine, offensive questions, or make stupid racist jokes that they would never say to any of the Asian people

I agree with the happy hour, but if you’re using a coupon or some other not-for-every-other-customer-at-that-moment discount, I would always tip based on the un-discounted price.

This admittedly may not be the proper place for this, as it’s only tangentially related to your comment, but your comment sparked this, so I’ll post it as a reply to you. Apologies in advance - it’s not really meant as a rebuttal at all.

Like, all the keys you personally use to enjoy access to things you own. House, car, storage locker, gun cabinet, you know - the basics. Because, to paraphrase Jack Handey, “let ‘em go, because, man, they’re gone.” If it’s a fire or earthquake or whatever, you may not be able to get back to them for hours or days, and