What’s the advantage for placing flowers in my coffee?
What’s the advantage for placing flowers in my coffee?
What’s the advantage for placing flowers in my coffee?
What’s the advantage for placing flowers in my coffee?
Oh, whoops. I failed at reading. Ice... that’s the key difference.
Where I’m from, this is just a “Scotch and Soda.”
Was going to ask this, too. The Android One version of Moto X4. I’m liking it a lot better than my Nexus 5x so far. I’m fine with the flavor of Android it runs for the moment, even.
This is the most infuriating thing that drivers do. For Pete’s sake, the right-of-way goes to the cars going straight OR RIGHT. You bastards who think that your left turn lane gives you any kind of preferential treatment are idiots.
I do this for trucks, too, although I find it pretty rare that a truck is needing to pass me....
Obviously I missed the original call for hacks, but one that several baristas have pointed out for me (I don’t really try to take advantage of this) is for my favorite hot drink - a one-pump mocha. I find the regular 80-pump mochas to be too sweet, so I cut it down to one. Used to be that you could order a latte with…
And then, for an excellent, relatively affordable, example of Speyside whisky, go buy a bottle of The Balvenie 12 year Double Wood. You can thank me later. Bring about $55 to the store. You can get it a BevMo, and it’s wonderful stuff for the price.
Well, none of these worked, and for the first time ever, I was the parent with the kid in the office who screamed loud enough to scare everyone else’s kids. I don’t fault the advice, though. Just luck of the draw.
Good article, Claire. May I suggest some more tips for those who need to do more rehab for their pans?
While this is not a great “recipe” to recommend to the person asking for recipes for their new pan, I had to give your post a star because the flaxseed oil method is a *great* method - not the only one, and not necessarily the best (though it’s the best of the many I’ve tried).
Timely as can be - 4 p.m. appointment today with pediatrician to get the kiddo vaccinated. Thanks for the great tips!
I laughed out loud at this. Not hard, mind you, but a definite chuckle. Totally unhelpful comment, and yet, here we are, me laughing out loud. Thanks for that.
If I ever meet you in person, I want to shake your hand, buy you a beverage of your choice, and then wash my hands so I don’t get the flu. That last part is just a joke, but the rest I’m serious about. Thanks for posting this. For fuck’s sake, everyone, everywhere, get the damned flu shot if you’re medically okay to…
I’ll do you one better: I don’t like beer. There, I said THAT. The shit I get when at a happy hour with coworkers drinking cider is through the roof. And I just shoot back with, “The only beer I like is distilled.” After a blank stare, I just say, “Whiskey.”
“nothing can be written so sarcastically as to be immediately recognizable as such”
Pretty much....
At any rate, it’s really tough to decouple bare fear from cogent thought, but when one learns to do so, it immediately becomes apparent that most of what we think “keeps us safe” is not only doing nothing for our safety,…
While I’m fluent in sarcasm, I try not to assume everything I read that looks like it actually is, so, in all sincerity: are you joking? Because if you are, yeah, the idea that a gun is “more deadly” than another because of its color or basic features is silly, but that’s how lawmakers tend to work - on both sides of…
Samorost! Yes. Also: Machinarium is awesome, from the same person/people. The music in Machinarium is also really cool.
This is a good start. I would agree that starting with an advocacy group is probably the place to start, too. As a gun owner, though, they may not be totally forthcoming about all the things you may need to know - they tend to focus on things that are “out front” so to speak. In California, you can also find a wealth…
Because I’ve been the fool who thought it would be a good idea to take someone to small claims. My lesson: small claims is never worth it for a one-to-one attempt to recover anything. Even when I made bupkis and thought that I could recover something. Seriously, unless you coordinate with several people to overwhelm a…