i, Podius

And you forgot the worst part of going to court - once a judge or commissioner hears your case, it’s literally out of your hands. You should be very, very sure that you have done all you can do, and then some, if you want the court to be sympathetic to you in any way. Even if you’ve followed the law, and the other

I really hate to say this to you, Leigh, because I’m a fan of your work, but this article isn’t really about how to talk to kids about much - it just vilifies gun owners. We know next to nothing about the motives, so any reasonable human being would be speculating when talking to anyone about the Why? As for school

Another way that I learned from somewhere (that I can’t remember now, of course) is to put your nose in the glass, but breathe through your mouth (outside of the glass). This has the effect of drawing just a tiny amount of air from the glass through your nose. The big thing to try to avoid when nosing high proof

We had a trisomy 9 miscarriage after about a month of knowing about the pregnancy. We hadn’t even had the chance to see the OB/GYN yet when my wife felt really wrong, and rushed in to see her. By then it was too late, and she luckily had the care of her doctor and her staff to help her. When I arrived, it was all

I’m sure my mom would love to hear that my kid is drinking... wait for it... Ripple. *snicker*

You probably have no idea how many of us are thinking the same things about ourselves. I’m doing it, too. I have a modest earthquake survival kit, but ever since Trump ascended the throne - er, I mean, was fairly elected by the electoral process - I’ve been thinking a bit more to the dire side of things. G’head,

I never dug too deeply into it, but I use Google’s Project Fi, and get scam alerts from time to time, too. So I’m guessing that the monster of data warehousing is doing something similar....

Hey, thanks for the info. I usually would just chalk it up to kids being hard on shoes, but seriously, the kid seems to eat them when we’re not looking.

There is so much confusion in your words... disease and problems are not the same things, and conflating the two words is not helpful. Food and cures are not the same things. Lifestyle changes (which include food or drink or vitamins or wearing a hat or...) may prevent conditions, but they’re not cures for anything

Oh, and PS. Chimpout? Obviously I’m an old man, now.

LOL! Yeah, I get that. Seriously, in some really non-dangerous ways, those sites have the same problems as any other - ownership issues, commercial interests that trod on truth, advertisers that aren’t exactly transparent - you name it.

This is asinine and ignorant conspiracy-theory level drivel. Any ignoramus can assert that their statements are facts, but only facts hold up to scrutiny. Prove it - without concrete examples that are grounded in repeatable results, your statement is worth nothing.

I wouldn’t call it “scary” per se, but I agree with the gist of your comment - 100%. The mind can do some incredible things.

Yes! This! Please! Can we take up a collection on GoFundMe or something to pay one of the senior press corps reporters to ask this?

So succinctly put. To put it a bit more strongly: “Anything that can prove significantly better than placebo in a well-crafted (minimally: randomized, double-blind) study is just called ‘medicine.’ Anything that can’t prove significantly better than placebo in a similarly robust study is not medicine. You can call

Great tip! Does this work for KIDS Nike’s as well? Heheh. My kid is a murderer of shoes, and we finally decided to stop being pennywise and pound foolish, and bought her a pair of Nike’s. So far, they’re holding up extremely well, so, value achieved, but in case they just fall apart.... Thanks for the article!

Luckily, there are a LOT of good people who understand state laws and transfers, who would be more than happy to help you figure this out for free. Without plugging specific websites, I’ll simply say that gun forums are absolute fonts of knowledge about these topics if you want to start understanding them without

An executive (with multiple advanced degrees, no less) at a former employer used to violate about every single rule of microphone use. He had an extremely low register, low volume voice (basically mumbled), so they wouldn’t let him talk without a mic. But whenever he did, he would refer to his slides in such a way

I wish I could star this post more than once. People, either get the shot, or own up to being needle-phobic. It’s almost free for Pete’s sake, and many times your employer or insurance will cover it 100%. Take the damned shot.

I’m a guy, but I do care about maintaining relationships — especially those which are mostly long-distance or once-in-a-while. Thanks for giving me an idea of how to deal with cards. I was about to have a bunch of letterpress personal stationery made up (and I still may), but now I know that I can buy the cards I