
I think it is time for Apple to get their act together and innovate. No doubt iPhone 5 will sell truckloads and iPad 3 has, iOS6 looks jaded, no matter what 200 features are added. iOS or Apple prefers an entirely closed ecosystem (reason for success) and offers very little customization. Let it be Samsung, HTC or MS

I don't notice any heat issues after prolonged use. Jut as some people flag this as an issue doesn't mean all the 3mil sets sold in the first weekend will get that hot. Boring news to stir up readership.

Still preparing for shipping even though I ordered after keynote. What a bummer. I might as well walk into the store near my home to buy it. Hope to get it on 16th.

the imac is pretty affordable...you are buying an entire experience.

mother and son


I am disappointed not I am disappoint...

shin's face tells a lot

Correction: What they were doing in 2000, Madonna was also doing it, if not a little earlier.

i am listening to myself because you are not worth talking to... bye

good luck, i bought and sold several point-and-shoots when i eventually decided that on my trips i readily used my cam phone so I'd rather invest on a good battery pack.

oh it surely wont die like a hp touchpad and webos

who seriously uses a point-and-shoot when you can pretty much fish out your trusty cam phone

it is not but evidently pc makers like hp are psyching themselves to...

i would think it probably makes you die only at 150...

not to such an extent where a real-life girl is 10x larger than the honey-i-shrunk-the-kids size

whatever the case, its contents is sadly unwatchable.

needs to be smaller and more portable...it doesnt look too aesthetically pleasing, even intimidating...i am sure a medical device needs some industrial design too...

really weird and surreal

Envision a world where the animals eat humans...in as many ways as humans consume them now...