If its on fb, its not really private anymore. If she mentioned the teachers name, it becomes a threat.
If its on fb, its not really private anymore. If she mentioned the teachers name, it becomes a threat.
They do hold the power, it is a threatening remark. It is just like someone saying that they spray painted the cafeteria on fb and getting caught.
Boeing makes most of the planes you sit on, you know the most popular commerical plan? the 747?
What game is that? It looks kinda like a bridge builder program we used...
I totally disagreel, the dude lost his right to live a long time ago. He ruined the image of a group of people, caused racism and fear. He killed thousands of inoccent people, if they didnt get the chance of surviving, he shouldnt either.
I agree, This dude needed to die and he did. Releasing the image would calm our curiosity, but would also put us in more danger. This dude was a hypocritical non-muslim that ruined the image of a religion and a race.
No, Normal Muslims did not support him in any way. They were most likely the happiest of all to hear about his death....
I though that was in Spring, though it looks and is really old...
Yeah, it does.What if someone saves a bad video as "Bouncy Ride" that is 50mb, and then save a movie as "Bouncy Ride" and its a 50mb movie about a rollercoaster. Then couldnt it possibly give that movie to me? Thats not very safe....
Those are the only people, crazy people, he was in no way a religious leader..
He was a hypocrite and a radicalist , he did not follow the religion he was ruining the image of in any way.
Well he had 20 children.....
He was not following any religion, he was not following the religion he was ruining the image of one bit. Hes going straight to hell, the only virgin hes getting is satan...
Actually I do not believe he was a religious leader, as he had no religion. He did not follow the religion he was ruining the image of, at all.
I think he meant with basic service like we do here...
I completely agree with you, people using unnecessary amount of bandwidth in my area affects me, and I know that. I pay for 20+ Mbps service, and should get it. When people in my neighborhood are being stupid and trying to download 10gb of illegal crap constantly, that affects my service, that affects me.
Only people that might have all those available, and know they go over
This just proves that we have become whiny babies that take everything for granted. Remember it is not our right to get internet, at the speeds we get, at the limit we get. We get it as a service. We have become really selfish....
Same here At&t and Comcast... Just recently switched to Comcast because it was faster, though its been going in and out..
But it also doesnt seem right for us to whine about... The fact that other countries do have something worse should be enough for us not to whine about it. We are getting really selfish and think everything is our right.. While some countries have never even been able to go over the 30gb limit, we shouldnt be whining…