
Our teachers made us learn it in third grade, lieing that we would use it.... And i know 3rd graders just learning it.

Well our third grade teachers did lie to us when they said we would use cursive...

That is not really a cap that only att puts on you, its a pretty universal cap. I didnt know you were talking about downloads... Though i usually download big apps on wifi

No, they should have a valid reason... Not cause your speeding or anything like that.... And the Patriot Act also comes in too, right? (not too sure)

We sure act like it lol..


Dont bring a religion into this, it has nothing to do with this...

Than what are we (TX)?

Oh I remember our first TV, it was a full color tv, with a full remote, time warner and dish! Yeah im glad im not old....

And the fact that they kept reactors alive while there was still danger next to it. The radiation was still dangerous, and they still have personnel there to watch everything...

This stuff should not be allowed in public areas, if you have the right to look at it, we have the right to go to the library without seeing disgusting things like that... Specially children should not see that crap, it is known to mess up kids minds.... Go home and look at that crap...

They are private parts, and many people still consider it to be. Not everyone wants to show people theres, thus being private. A lot of people think its disgusting, and unappropriate. Specially for kids who aren't ready for it. You dont seme to adjusted if you think kids should see unreal adults having that stuff....

Umm there are a lot of negatives consequences, and besides just because you enjoy it doesnt mean other people enjoy looking at other peoples junk and intercourse, something that is private for people (or most)

These extremists are sick, they are ruining the reputation of a religion, and spreading racism. They need to die, they dont follow the religion in ANY way possible. They need to die and go to hell.....

Ahhh... MW1.... Memories

The phone asks you to track your location, you said yes, and it tracks you... It stores it on YOUR phone, No one else sees it but you, unless you loose it. In that case everything you had is in the someone elses hands unless you clear it from findmyiphone

counting down windows xp user termination...

First, we dont NEED internet, we have it. There are also a lot less good alternatives on the US Carriers....

Most of the kids i know have iPhones... As do I

I actually have to agree with that, the iPhone needs to become more independent. I havent connected it to the computer in months, maybe i should have, but i didnt. Because its a hassle, and I hate doing it. BTW, If you select to sync everything with Google or Yahoo on the iPhone, does it backup and exchange on the go?