
Its ok, they dont want people like you.

Oh yeah your showing class

I got my dad off of earthlink a couple years ago when I found out he was PAYING for email! He didnt know there were free alternatives....

I know! Its so annoying... No computer makes a "Whirrrrrr" sound when its searching or has command lines on every program.... I dont think the future is where computers get more complicated

Well maybe if they did than we would have less of these....

And i think it might be hard enough to narrow down? What if the person narrowing down IS tha person that should be being narrowed down to?!?!?!!??

But what if they also know that we also know that they are using media influence? Then how would that show would also be used by law enforcements!?!!?

I need to heart you, but cant do that because of this mutated digital interweb layout... I know it sucked

Psh... Give me half of 65,000 and I can make it anything proof...

Zinger! I was about to say the same thing...

Ahh... We love yall when the teachers deserve it, but we love it more when the teachers do something to yall that you deserve

openSSH is not default, you have to download it. To find out what stuff you have downloaded, click manage, then packages. There it will have all your downloaded stuff. If you dont have OpenSSH installed, you dont have to change your password because it doesnt have the ability to be accessed to at that moment.

Like Me!!!!! ;) I love interrupting conversations.... Hey dont mess with me, my iPhone looks so beast right now. The theme is amazing, and with all the right tweaks its awesome... Ill upload a pic later if yall want!

But if your a techie, you can do of the stuff Android can do be jailbreaking. There is memory managment after jailbreaking, a file system, and a wifi sync system.... But most consumers that buy an iOS device, dont know and dont care.

Holy crap thats disgusting and painful...

No, it doesnt, and actually really cant.

Wow, Just yesterday I got a blocked call for the first time in forever... and needed this

This is not an android phone, i think thats a win mobile pocket pc

There are other ways to feed their families, the goverment basically feeds peoples families, no one here is really really poor. There is a big difference between US poor and other countries.... In other countries, people will not get food or money or anything. They are homeless and dont have anything. Over here, poor

This is not funny...