
Hahaah.... i though you said A Dam Corolla... funny stuff

You know Obama!!?!??! Awesome... Which pres was your teacher?

Obviously that professor has some nursery school kids. She was being a baby, other kids are paying 1000+ for a class, and they are being disrupted. If she wants to be on her laptop, get out. I dont care how much your laptop is, I paid more than it to get in this class.

No, no then he would have shut the SmartCover!!! And then she would get him arrested for breaking her magnets

If I was the professor, I would have kicked them out, I have the right to teach, students have the right to learn, they dont have the right to boss me around. Thats what my current teacher says to kids who are disruptive, and I really like that attitude. This is happening more in the US than anywhere, parents and

The other students paid for the class, they have the RIGHT to learn, the teacher has the right to teach. If its annoying them or the teacher, get out. Its not third grade, but your acting like it is if you just want to be annoying to the teachers and students. Its wasting the professors time, and students time.

Wow yall have had some interesting things happen to yall... But you all probably deserved it


I sit when i pee, i think sanitation is also very manly...

Wouldnt that still have "more components"?

The leopard should have finished him off

The animal doesn't have a gun, its basically defenseless compared to those kitty killing maniacs..

Wow this is disgusting, that poor animal was not going to do anything to you if you didnt go into its habitat and mess with it. Poor leopard, People are sick, poor kitty ;(

There just taking precautions, there protecting there residents.

Other users should have known that too, its on there website. There is no other appstore listed. Windows Phone 7 does not advertise there 1 app store, because users should know it. Do people get an Windows Phone 7 and expect an iPhone app to work on it. Apple advertised there iTunes Appstore, and that has all the apps

WTH do you mean by its bullshit? YOU knew there was 1 appstore. Ok ill replace apple with microsoft, Windows Phone 7 had 1 appstore, this is a mobile OS.

First, this probably isnt even in the US. Second, the first amendment does not give you the right to call people things in front of there faces. That is basically taking away there rights. That is not the case here, there companies.

Actually I saw a pic of Clinton with a computer in office.

But the worst thing about that is that people dont actually think or research on what they say. So what if he was a Muslim, that does not make him a terrorist.

I know it was freakin loud..