
lol.... win..

What sucks is that I hated the Burger Town/Houses level the most in MW2....

Are you on tmobile? I could recommend a few good ones...

Isnt that just like a moral value???

I am so sorry, nobody deserves to be bullied. I dont even know what to say. I hate this, it makes me mad. This stuff needs to stop, and these principles need to get kicked out, and I mean literally kicked out. If I saw anyone doing that I would personally kick them out and beat there ass just like they did to some

Over here anyone watching and involved is punished...

No he didnt overreact, this kid obviously had enough and cracked, some kids dont make it to that stage. This has happened over here, kids taunted him, messed with him, pushed him around. He took it, until one day he had just had enough, the school wasnt doing anything, the bullying didnt stop, and he shot himself in

Over here, who ever was in and watching the fight is in trouble. But there are some schools that dont do crap..,

See this is the BS some schools do and basically promote bullying, of course the other kid wasnt suspended, even though he started the fight. Then when they get sued or get bad press, they make up BS that they never knew that he or she was being bullied or pushed around. I know, its happened over here, Kid committed

Wow is this dude a hippie, i never "close my eyes and get lost in an album" hes acting as if music is the best thing in the world and gives the most pleasure....

I sometimes use black stripes or white stripes, but my backgrounds change a lot.

i know ;(

I could so imagine people doing that....

Yes, yes you can.

Actually there is a way to backup Jailbreak apps there is a package in cydia, ill edit the name in a while.

Im using it together, but they dont come through Notifier or Notified Pro anymore. Its kinda like a one way wire that BiteSMS has rights over.

I know right, though they probably have resolution adaptation....

I didnt know all these displays were wireless....

In 4 years, since dimensions dont really change in apple devices, put in an iPad 5? or 6? Which ever model is in, or just put in the old dash.

Why would you need a 6970? Is there any things that take advantage of it fully?