
Your kidding right? It just pauses the last state of the app and then resumes it, just like you would do with "android multitasking" you dont keep the game playing and then go call someone, you pause it then go. Stop trolling.

Actually the white iPhone is pretty beast in person. It looks awesome. I can upload a few if you want. Anyways, lots of people compained and the only way to fix it was to add customizable background. If you really want a black background i guess you could take a picture of something black.

No same here... No dropped calls at all

Thats one big missile.... And one BIG failure... Atleast this screamed and ran unlike the other loon that stood their and laughed.

I dont see the point of this. There just ads, they cant be that annoying. You dont have to look at it, it isnt in your face all the time. Just walk away from it.

These ads make me want stupid Acura wagon even less then before... And I never wanted a wagon.

No Glasses 3D TV Ads!!!

I heard something like that. It was whenever a airplane flew over houses the garage would intercept the signal and open or close. I never really got something out of google for it.

Its kinda different. The GPS that is on your phone is for location, and is a straight phone -> Satellite connection. The towers also connect to GPS, and that would be a Phone -> Tower -> Satellite connection. When you turn off your GPS in your phone, your GPS navigation doesnt work, but your tower can locate you

If I could take back any day in our time, it would be 9/11. It caused innocent people loosing their lives, millions being targeted, hate, and more. I really wish there was a way to go back and warn people, warn our defenders, warn the innocent, and not let this happen.

You are a douche. What is so radical about it? Actually do some research and then talk.

so true...

thats why you the cameras show the red in the tvs or remotes or wii sensors...

WHEN WILL WE GET A HAL 9000!?!?!?!?! ITS FREAKIN 2011!!!!!


They did it in both.

thats what i was thinking, and thats what makes it more creepy. It has equipment...

I dont even know what to say ;)

I know you probably didnt mean it,but really radical Muslims really wasnt the correct term for it. Even though you probably didnt mean it, it kinda sounded like you were calling all muslims radical. Terrorists would be a more correct term.

@Eye Heart