


What? Theres nothing wrong with the "middle east". There are bad people in every religion. and country, but do we americans not pass through Abu Dhabi or Dubai or any other place, or even stay there? Yes, we do and there is no probs...

There are a LARGE group of white and black muslims....

Actually there are a lot of arabs that are white. Go to the middle east, youll see white arabs everywhere....

No they admitted... They told him congratulations for his new job or something and where he had been..

My infrareds are grey?!?!

but more safe for those who like to go to sleep

Ive seen a few places where parallel was needed, but not much. Thats texas for you, everything bigger, including parking spaces.

Honestly, I dont get whats up with these "no real or serious multitasking". It does what every other tablet does. Or competing mobile OS for that. Android doesnt do multitasking better than this thing because it gives the exact same functionality. Wait except you can hear the music of Angry Birds in the background in

Actually the black ipad is the girls, since it shows the stream coming in.

then flip it to its back, it is rotating...

Theres some weird ppl that do... Ppl keep this stuff as their profile pics.

Lol, though it doesnt affect any features or app use.

I would use Skype, it works on 3g.

Because tablet pc's did SOOOO good.

High Resolution does just mean more pixel. Why would they need to cram together UI elements to make it high resolution. An individual icon should look good, not be small.

Just use skype, it can work on both. Or jailbreak.......

So giz didnt get invited to the event? Who was the person taking the vid?

shes creepy...