
@justinpe: Awesome can you give me a source?

Wrong comment...

Yes, i knew it would be that survey. They did not ask att about the last numbers.

they really should implement what they have in there Macbooks, I dont see why they dont.

Thats for charging the laptop not to use your headphones or anything else...

mine is pretty darn clean... but some peoples might not be.... this is just nasty, i dont know what that white stuff is and i dont want to know....

And i dont use my optical drive at all on my mbpro or my windows desktop, but headphones I do...

This. Was. Awesome!

@AgentRockstar: Im sorry Gosh! ;( He is a better robot than the cops used! Hes running Mac OSX!!! No Windows Vista crap!

@Rabinowitz: Its a lot harder now to break the connector, and that would be a problem in all phones?

@Bs Baldwin: Can you give a link to the survey?

@Boomdiggity!: It was definitely not the first tablet...

@Rabinowitz: The full metal dock connector? Which would basically cripple each and every phone because thats what charges it?

@pz: That makes no sense, because a lot of apps dont work on lots of android devices because of different versions or hardware issues.... fragmentation

@CAFleming: I know a lot of ppl that hate there G1 right now, your lucky

@geolemon: What oops did you make with it?

@ePrometheus: How come old black and white movies where so clear, and old colors are blurry and weird?