
@Joe_Kickass: Customer Service on VERIZON!?!!??!?! Thats a joke right?

@Bs Baldwin: Please tell us the source, even though I know what you are going to bring up. That piece of info was false, and it didnt get real numbers. They didnt ask AT&T about how much data is used, they guessed about it, and asked Verizon.

@gochurush: Me and most of my friends and family, and the everyone in school with AT&T. Verizon here sucks....

@fugeesnfunions: I could say the same about Verizon. In your case that might be true to your location, but to some others its the other way around. Where I live AT&T is the best network, and Verizon sucks. Period. The only places Verizon spends a lot is where reporters are, and where AT&T isnt to good at, that way

@DeltaDAWG: If you think AT&T's customer service is bad dont even try Verizons

@AgentRockstar: Oh true true! Though he would probably crush that trash looking wrapper

@eebrenner: HAL never died in 2010, he became something bigger than you can imagine, and he sent in the EVO's and the Droids to suck our power!!!!!

@SolCross: Oh I feel bad for you, Justin Biebers grandso- WAIT! Justin Bieber is 17 and hasnt hit puberty he cant make kids!

@iSynic: In some states (AT WILL) companies or people can fire there employees for no or any reason at all

@Evan Balaila: Or a tablet PC is now an iPad wannabe, because I dont think the iPad wants to be a failed product.

@lucian.armasu01: Lots of them arent avaiable, arent as good, dont work that well or at all on some devices, on android.

WTH? What is this crap? The other Motorola commercial that was showing the history of tablets was WAY better.

@Dezerus Richardson: Agreed. its always sad to look at the now photos, and also the maps in MW1, which I havent played in like 2 years

@Butters619: You mean Windows ME! Its self conscious and will throw them at you and ask YOU TRYED TO SEND "ME" INTO THAT SEEN AND GET ME KILLED!!!! WELL HERE YOU GO!

@Frostedflakes13: I was at a technology place and there were kids that could make itty bitty robots automatically pick up and throw soda cans.

@Butters619: because neither the sack nor the grenades were ever there.....