This is quite possibly the most incredible piece of virtual surrealist art I have ever seen. I could watch this video a thousand times and still be amazed.
This is quite possibly the most incredible piece of virtual surrealist art I have ever seen. I could watch this video a thousand times and still be amazed.
Infinite Chell. Woah, the soundtrack just adds to the trippiness of it.
Magnets! How do they work?
If Cooking Mama took a last stand, I hope it's like that.
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
Why don’t they settle it with a coin flip?
This doesn’t even turn me on. Does that make me normal or weird?
Shut it down guys, we’re only a month in to 2016 and we already have the comment of the year
Is there a CliffsNotes regarding this post?
Did you have multiple tabs open and accidentally make your comment in the wrong article?
You should have written a longer post to help make your point
How on earth are you out of the greys?
He only stopped typing because he couldn’t see the screen through all the spittle.
Wha....wha...what the fuck was THAT?
tl, dr
DayZ social experiments continue to delight and amaze me.
What about the rif on #OscarsSoWhite? They did a pretty good job on that one too.
Hello, I am the artist of the work, Cameron Mitchell. Just dropping by to say a big thank you for the write up and the kind words! I hope anyone watching the video enjoys it :)
The first thing I saw was the Star Fleet logo.