Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?
Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?
Dr. Heywood Floyd’s daughter from 2001 A Space Odyssey. Nice.
Don’t you think?
Given my personal proclivities I don’t exactly understand how we managed to tiptoe with the apocalypse so much recently. What’s wrong with eating stuff and sitting on couches?
“The cause of the accident was the fact “the driver accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes when she was attempting to pull out of a parking space at the apartment complex.” “
I don’t play or ever usually enjoy FPSs but when my roommate is playing it I’ll sit and watch. It’s very pretty, the sound is fantastic and all the little Star Warsy touches like the sparkly power rangers flips and Wilhelm screams delight me.
Is that Stephen Brodsky?? Gonna go listen to them all night now. Thanks.
Human bodies are so fucking cool! Like, it’s actually possible to attach someone else’s body part to your own and, if done properly, your body is like “Welcome to the party, brah. Let’s get you up and running. Please ignore the liver; he’s cranky AF on Mondays.” Science, man.
Or, you can just give up. Worked for me.