I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
I don't think it's reasonable to say we *can't* consider alternate explanations for why Ada L would make mathematical mistakes in her notes, but that we *can* come up with reasons for why Babbage wouldn't have caught it.
She does seem to have serious bitchy resting face.
I think what you said is important, and I starred you to support, but I saw you reply a couple times to people pretty much saying the same thing, which makes me want to know (/ commiserate with you about) : where are these people even reading that her daughter doesn't touch people/ is deprived of touch???
I saw that Mulaney defended it (Hale's article)... I know nothing about him except that he looks like a really immature guy I know and that he made a sexist joke in the Hulu commercial about his sitcom (parpahrasing: "you can't have Oceans 11 with just women; two of them would always break off to gossip about the…
Yeah, auno, I didn't read any of that as hate for Taylor herself. Criticism and personal hatred are not the same. Even: hatred of someone's work and hatred of *them* are not the same.
Also, in general, I think it's hard to figure out what's "right", in that, if you don't support the beauty standard status quo, you might feel like that by "giving in" to plastic surgery to fix something about yourself, you will be condoning and furthering those standards, and even helping them become more stringent.…
Fellow Texan. I verify the Coke prevalence. Also, I understood that you probably didn't agree when you started with "even if" (but I'd be surprised if that was particularly regional). Also also, have you run into the tennis shoes (or "tennies") vs. sneakers thing? I said both tennis shoes and sneakers for the same…
Combined with a little bit of Ben Affleck?
Thank God It's Florida!
I think Malala is amazing, so I'm not mocking her at all here, but unfortunately even my association with "I am Malala" is the really funny album title by Mariah Carey, "Me. I am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse".
I don't know if she was coerced (into sex), I had thought it had been portrayed as consensual, but regardless, the rest of what you said I think is true - the slut-shaming, belittling, indoctrination from her family w.r.t politics, fame, and Christianity, her very young age at which many people do/ say stupid things…
That is some hard-hitting Juvenalian shit. : (
The brommittee?
I think if she just put her faith in the CDC, thinking, "well, I'm at risk as far as I know, but the CDC must know more about this than I do, and has repeatedly assured us the protocols they have are sufficient", etc., then I think that's pretty reasonable.