It’s a sad but true fact that when Scott Walker massively reduced funding to the University of Wisconsin system, one of the first things to be cut from the budget was the Female orgasm.
It’s a sad but true fact that when Scott Walker massively reduced funding to the University of Wisconsin system, one of the first things to be cut from the budget was the Female orgasm.
To be fair, it’d be cruel to make Buffalo fans snort their coke off a mirror.
Enjoy your practice squad cars and your practice squad beds and your practice squad apartments. After I’m done doing throws here I’m going to step inside the mouth of a whale and the whale will take me to my luxury condo out near the edge of the continental shelf where mermaids will be my bed. Do you get it? I am…
Getting paid over $100,000 a year to make Ryan Tannehill cry? I’m sure they are enjoying that practice squad paycheck thoroughly.
He thinks he’s setting a good example and being a good role model but the greatest Yankee of them all was Mickey Mantle, and The Mick never would have gone to rehab.