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    Shut up nigga, your mom likes it quiet when she takes it in the ass.

    Sir is some old white guy shit. Mikey is ma nigger!

    And a big booty ho!

    Cameron is a Very Smart Brotha. You niggas are still stuck on the plantation.


    The only racist here is nigger Mike and the other niggas of massa Herb’s root plantation.

    Not all white people. I would say “Well what about that one time that nigga...”

    Yup, have you niggas tried not being thugs?

    Shut up nigger. Now that’s not subtle.

    He keeps getting you low IQ niggas good

    Africa is still a shithole nigga.

    You niggas do know that nobody eats your greasy shit right? Ever been to a nigga cuisine restaurant? When people want seasoned food they’ll get Indian or Asian or something. Enjoy your diabetes, niggerpotamus.

    “White people aren’t Islamophobic. But 57 percent of white voters voted for the man whose campaign promise was fulfilled with Executive Order 13769,”

    “White people didn’t call Mexicans “rapists;” they just elected a president who promised to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of their beloved country.”

    niggerpotamus? LOL. Shit, how have I never heard of that one before. Thanks Mikey you stupid nignog

    Mikey, what up my dindu nigger!

    Bernie is a complete loser just like his dumbfuck bros.

    Da Printer is a NAZI!

    Woketards are incompetent. No surprise there.

    Obama was such a failure. Loser didnt accomplish anything. Its all up to the old white man to fix it, as usual.