
They look just like the HuffPo Editorial Board?

Its a play on words, and then he masturbates to people a) not realizing his genius and then b) getting all asshurt over the spelling “error”

I’m 6'7" so fuck you

*Jezebel rails against the harassment and racism/bigotry of the First Lady by these two individuals (and rightfully so)*

This is satire, right?

When you are surrounded by countries that refuse to acknowledge your existence, when you literally drag out Israeli Christian settlements for the Palestines and they reward you with moving rockets into the West Bank and killing Christian children, and when you have an Obama Administration that gets caught in blatant

If you don’t want to write about the man, how about you write about how the appointment of Iowa Gov. Branstad will set the stage for Lt. Gov. Kim Renolyds to become the state’s first female Governor? Or is she too Republican/white for you, Kara?

As someone who worked in special education for a number of years, it isn’t “educational” to just assume that because a child is quiet and withdrawn that he is automatically autistic. It is a very wide spectrum, and people on it lack serious skills such as the ability to pick up on social cues and learn from them.

“He started it!” is not an excuse to insult his 10 year old child.

If he was indeed radicalized then their fears are founded? I don’t get you liberals. You buy into the “us versus them” narrative that the Oligarchy uses to pit people against each other. You either like guns or you don’t. You are for abortion or you aren’t. Its pitiful. But to your point, it is definitely an

That survey was proven a fake, a stunt to bring more attention to the fact that we are indeed harming the Great Barrier Reef. So why are you quoting it?

Let’s consider a late-term abortion - months or weeks separate this from being a choice that some disagree with and (weeks or months later) an actual murder of an innocent life. Tl;dr someone has to stand up for the lives of those who can not defend themselves. And it certainly won’t be liberals.

LOL liberals are such hypocrites. She’s the first woman to run a successful campaign, and the ass-blasted liberal echo-chamber lists her as an illiterate “adviser”, not a campaign manager. If she got the other liar elected (Hillary) you’d be singing her praises and this would be front-page news. Sad.

If you don’t support her you’re a N-NAZI WAHHHH! -why you lost the election

So much for tolerance; all I heard in that statement was pure ignorance and arrogance. He should be ashamed for talking to the Vice President like that. He wouldn’t have lectured Biden. Good job alienating people from your show.

Fine. Boycott that. But his daughter’s clothing line? Come on.

I like reading the liberal echo chambers to see if ya’ll have come to any sense of rationale yet (spoiler: no)

Oh shut the fuck up you’re gonna end up boycotting everything while unironically wearing your Hugo Boss glasses (you know, the fashion label that outfitted ACTUAL Nazis?). God liberal logic is retarded.

“Drumpf’s a misogynistic piece of shit you shouldn’t shame a woman for her choices or appearance!” -Libruls

There are only two genders; everything else is a mental illness. Its a shame we are enabling these kids instead of helping them, but that’s what you get from a generation where everyone is told they are a special snowflake. Kudos to this mom. Her kid will thank her some day.