
Then again, classic race cars were just a loaf of french bread with wheels.

To cover up his tracks, the 28-year-old told investigators he had been looking at texts sent by colleagues”

In his defense, he likely saw something coming....

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

You can get all kinds of things road legal in the UK, but I guess  the wank panzer is a bit too much. Every time I see one it looks uglier to me. 

Rich, tasteless person in the Manchester are with overseas links buys pointless meme vehicle...

Fines that they’ll never pay? These guys should be doing jail time, and a lot of it. 

Is he seriously getting a parking spot in front of his building every time as he claims? Could he simply park on a different side of the street to avoid the fee?

Maybe if you keep posting shitty comments like this your mother will finally love you

I agree with this, I’m betting the typical renter of these cars probably could not have abused them too much. And, I think it’s a screaming deal and I can afford $18K for a third car that would be a great commuter...but it’s a hard pass because their CEO is who he is. And I don’t say that to be sensationalistic, I

Yeah, not even necessarily a knock on the previous owner. If it was driven as intended, it’s seen some hard use.

Are you asking why a perpetual energy machine doesn’t exist?

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Kias have a 10 year, 100k mile warranty. Seems like a pretty rational decision. Should go the distance before it starts burning oil. 

Maybe he heard the Mcrib was back

Throw in some kind of blockchain Web3 angle and you have a winner!

I have $20 on some meal replacement protein slop for techies who “don’t have time to eat” and sold on TikTok by ultra-punchable influencers. Maybe a side bet on having CBD in it.

The front end’s a little goofy looking and I feel like the experience would be similar to the regular SL but more Airy. Overall it’s a case too much body for me making the car look bloated. Also Put a Manual in it you cowards! That said, I think the Monza has it beat, my lord what a beautiful thing

Fiskfuls of cash?