
That is pretty much a leaf or bolt. But those aren’t sexy and profitable. Tons of unnecessary tech is sexy and profitable.

Ding, ding, ding, you nailed it with the “bullshit that surrounds” them, it’s a huge turnoff for me. And while this is not exclusive to EVs, it sure seems endemic to them. I’m 47. Within the next few years I’ll have an ND Miata (or NE) which I hope to Ride or Die into my golden years while technology moves on

EVs are cool and neat and great, etc, etc, etc, but constantly-connected consumer electronics put unprecedented control over your property in the hands of the company that sold it to you (or, as they’ll likely claim, licenced to you).

A/C doesn’t use up refrigerant.  If it needs a recharge, it’s leaking from somewhere.  There is no such thing as “just needs a recharge”.

Let the system deal with them.

I’m definitely not a robot.

I bet a lot of influencers and trendsetters will hop on it as well since it stands out more than the Hummer EV. Definitely a “look at me” sort of vehicle.

Totally needs the Electric Mayhem paint package.

Con Man Cons

That would depend on those country’s laws, unless you mean having our government ban us from doing that.


You guys really buried the lede on this one. The last line of the video is, “I don’t have any ideas; I’m a TV news anchor!”

Strong flat brim vibes with this one.

Pop rivetted fender flares is a look that needs to die.  Like yesterday.

At nearly $56k, they couldn’t spare like 30 minutes and a little bit of red paint to touch up the rocker covers? 

No, but her lawyer is a lawyer.

I think Geico should sue both the lady and her lawyer for extortion.

Yeah, this is definitely one of the “slippery slope” type of legal cases. I don’t find that there is anything in any vehicle insurance policy that I’ve ever seen that could hold the insurance company on the hook for anything other than the driving of the insured (not including comprehensive and collision coverage

So, if this were to happen in someone’s home, would the homeowner’s insurance cover it?

A subpoena would be issued that the company in question would have to respond to, or face legal repercussions themselves.