
From my understanding, the problem isn’t that they don’t have a production ready truck. It’s that they don’t have the capital left to actually order supplies or pay labor to build it in sufficient quantity for it to be worth starting up the production line. Without firm order commitments, they have no collateral to

I would not object. Not in anything lower than 1st class anyway. But if I shell out for 1st class those seats damn well better recline.

wish they could create a system that makes the signal louder the longer you drive with it tuned on

There are plenty of morally reprehensible things that are perfectly legal. 

If you start the truck and drive over the guy (once) then you probably have a pretty solid defense you didn’t know anyone was there.

Brent Peltomaa valued that cat more than he valued his life.
Michael Campbell valued punishing a thief more than he valued his freedom.
They were all in love with dying. They were drinking from a fountain
that was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain.

In all seriousness, though, you might have been in the clear if you had shot the guy...once. But shooting him after he’s been disabled and is no longer a threat? That’s probably inviting some attention from the cops. Tying him to your bumper and dragging him to a field to die? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Or is it the inconsiderate fucktards that are stopping others from reclining...

If you paid for a seat that reclines, recline it all the way.

Once upon a time, I sat next to a total stranger on an airplane. Without any conversation with us, somehow naturally it worked out that we shared the armrest, me taking the front half while her elbow used the rear half.

None. They can kiss my ass.

The video is called “Diarrhea In The Pool.”  Isn’t that warning enough?

Look, give them a break, they’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!

Pbbbbbbt, I can fit, like, 30 people easy in the back of a Uhaul. 

Seems silly to intentionally wreck a perfectly good car

That was dam close. 

You know that Acura has seen some shit. The path from being driven home by a senior level manager to carting around meth heads and stolen cats is not for the faint of heart. And since it’s a Honda, it probably has another decade of human tragedy ahead of it.

Thanks Sackler family!  

*When properly equipped with equipment that doesn’t exist yet. 

My car will go 200 MPH when properly equipped with a bigger engine and a pair of turbochargers.

Not misleading, not clickbait.