

We will include Tesla’s with that weight tax then, correct?

The fun happens at 0:55.  Judicious editing, folks - it saves people time.

It would have been a blood bath if BLM tried this.

As a white guy, I had the same thought. BLM got gassed by the National Guard for a peaceful protest outside the white house.

Seems we the people have had enough

A couple of weeks ago I tried to buy a 2012 Tiger 800 for $2k. Someone beat me to it.

What in the ever loving fuck is happening in DC right now? Shots being fired both ways, protesters storming the Senate. This just shows the amount of power deliberate misinformation can have on people, causing them to literally storm one of our arms of government brandishing weapons. Again I say, What. The. Fuck.

Yep! I was making $7.10 per hour and could only afford the “good stuff!”

In 1998 I was driving home from Williamsburg, VA in our recently purchased Ford Contour SVT 5 speed with my wife asleep in the car. It was around 1 am and I was bored. So turning onto Jordan Point road, which will take us from Charles City county back into Prince George county over the James river I decided to “punch

St Ides?! Shit, you just took me back. Add in the original Sisco and that’s a night to remember and vomit a lot. 

Did I say Maryland? I meant, obviously, Mexico. Maryland is a city in Mexico. You’ve probably never heard of it.

It’s *so* clean and *so* beige! It’s too $$$ but I love it.

Sorry, $6800, even with all the recent work is crack-pipe for this car. It’s in that uncanny valley of being too old, but not that interesting while being too expensive, even if it is really well kept and the maintenance is up to date. You would be far better off to spend a bit more and get something 20 years newer

Having been found guilty of committing acts meant to create panic and disorder, I hereby sentence you to a Presidential Medal of Freedom...

- Donald J. Trump (probably)


You just watch me. I’ll keep clickin’ AND hatin’

Motherfucker, PLEASE. The book isn’t anti-autonomous cars at all. I fucking WISH writing anti-Tesla articles made one tiny bit of difference on book sales. It doesn’t. And I’m not anti-Tesla. But if this is your reaction to this story, perhaps you should seek out your clergyperson or a trusted relative. Maybe a

I’m a happy Tesla owner and my car hasn’t had any issues in 10k miles of ownership. However. If this happens to me, any “brand loyalty” goes out the window. If you wanna make your car dependent on a single screen for basically every function including the speedometer, you better fucking make sure that screen works.