
If you drew that thing we’re already aware of it.

This vast and wide knowledge is what makes the Jalop community so great.


When I see “Call for price!” on a dealer website it’s a great reason to close that tab and go to a different dealer.

Completely unrelated side note, man that 3 series is ugly.

A CARmudgeon!!

Because I can find a lot better 4WD trucks I’d rather drive for that kind of money

This truck still is in nice shape and will probably run reliably for many years despite it’s age. There are tons of similar trucks around, most a little newer, for a lot less money. I don’t think the T brand should command a double the price premium (though there are certainly some that do).  $3750 all day long, at

Agreed, too much hate here in general (although pretty much limited to the cars themselves on NP/ND).  Again, a lot out there better in so many ways for the same F-it money.  And, is this really worth the salvage title hassle, if it exists?  Rare doesn’t equate to good.

I am not charging an EV with fossil fuels. I personally pay extra for my house to be powered by renewables, and I’m specifically installing solar panels to get that for free.

I didn’t buy an EV built in the US because that would mean either a Bolt or a Tesla, and neither of those are anywhere near $2,000 yet. This was

Anyone NP’ing this POS is under 40 and probably under 50.  Not even if you gave it to me.

If they can’t get any vans, maybe they should converse some other vehicles for delivery purposes.

There’s probably already a wing delete option you can check for a mere $16,500.

Thank you for your response and your service.  Have a happy Thanksgiving!

I suspect the Marine Corps would take umbrage at being /’ed under the Navy.

do what you will be peanut butter and butter, but I swear to god I will throat punch the next SOB who puts my fucking honey in the fridge.

“But if it is around that long, you’re not using enough butter.”

For at least four generations, (from pre 1900s) my family has kept salted butter on the kitchen counter, in an air-tight butter dish, at room temp. I know from my own experience, that it will last without any spoilage for at least 30 days. But if it is around that long, you’re not using enough butter.