
why would anyone need “meat replacements” “milk replacements” aren’t they disgusting “animal” products ?

how funny, SHE is a ‘HE’

yes and there is not one single video without fisheye lense that show curvature. i’ve looked deeply

by flying in cicle around the flat circled earth, north pole at the center, yess Erth is F!AT

i agree, everybody falls for that old old trick of fisheye lens cameras

let me guess : the building crashed perfecly vertically 1 hour after the fire ? :D

and the horizon is still flat at 120000 feet and at eye level !

Scientists find all kind of computer codes in the “universe” because computers were used to fake the space data. that’s as simple as that! #flatearth

always the same arguments ! you think you bring something new, but these statements have all been scrutinized and demonstrated false. We don’t “look in the other direction” when some statement arrive, WE TRY TO DEBUNK the flat earth from the beginning, but all we arrive to do is to disprove the globe in its entirety.