
You'll now be able to download and install many digital PS4 games before they come out—like you can on the PC—thanks to a new pre-loading plan that Sony just announced.

Kinect =\= Voice commands. A $1 microphone and a $1 IR blaster can accomplish the same task.

I snuck to the computer room during recess. Don't tell Mr. Totilo.

That's the main problem with all these people pushing "INNOVATION!". It's just innovation for the sake of innovation or to claim it automatically makes something better. Innovation that takes away from the experience rather than add to it means jack shit. See ROB, the Power Glove, Activator, and Virtual Boy for

You don't need to be "officially recognized" as anything to take advantage of fair use. Who would you be "officially recognized" by?

but you can say that for any job.....

Okay, let's try something with this one.

better than the 3 hour patch for the wii u

You say The Last of Us, I say Tokyo Jungle

In a long time: FFXV, KH3

The biggest problem the Wii had was developers couldn't come anywhere close to being as creative as Nintendo with it. Playing through Metroid Prime 3 really felt like you were wielding Samus' arm cannon.


If it aint broke dont fix it.

But Indie games are Next-Gen they are were people can take a risk and innovate gaming from that risk. the "Next-Gen" games you are talking about are mostly AAA titles that cost millions to make and can only upgrade graphics and physics to innovate, while indie games can create a whole new genre. So the more Indie

ahh one of you... Shoo troll.

"Gentlemen, the Kinect can't recognize the accents of people in just under 10 countries that we are launching in. What do we do?"
"Fuck 'em."
"Uh, sir, the Australians represent a sizable part of the market and they won't be please-"
"I said fuck 'em. And what's that country that sounds like Australia, but isn't? With

People making a stink over the sexism aspect are a bunch of hot air as I see it. Suda 51 games are all about tapping into the inner id of gamers and embracing the insanity that comes with doing so. The 'giggolo mission' elements are so over the top and so comedically made (if anything, that segment of the game makes

First and foremost, I want to apologise if the expression "you people" really is as insulting as most seem to think it is. In my rationale, it's referring to a group of people other than myself, but apparently in English that is somehow always offensive. English isn't my native tongue, and I'm sorry.

That said, I'll

I used this argument more than once, but I'll use it again:

You people have been spoiled by the illusion of choice and depth from games like Mass Effect. This isn't an RPG. You're not the protagonist. It's not your job to have "player narrative input". It's your job to sit down, listen to a story that isn't about you,