Humble’s latest bundle includes over a dozen Might & Magic games and expansion packs. As always, you can name your…
Humble’s latest bundle includes over a dozen Might & Magic games and expansion packs. As always, you can name your…
As a big Fallout fan, I thank you for your kind words. I hope whatever stuff I dislike that you love turns out good for you as well!
Gotta agree. That’s a lot of hate right there. He may not like hearing about Marino, but he was definitely one of the greats.
Seriously, this is someone who is trying way too hard. Marino is a top 5 QB of all time.
“Wasn’t that good to begin with” is the absolute stupidest single thing I have EVER read on Deadspin....which is saying A LOT!
All of the other stuff in the article about the Dolphins is absolutely spot-on, but when I read that I was like yeah....no.
You could tell Drew wanted to get out of the office early today
Yea, I mentioned this in another comment. These are fun to read, but that right there is starting to jump the shark.
“Fuck Dan Marino. Honestly. Until the day the Dolphins franchise sinks in the sea, I will have to hear about Dan fucking Marino, who was a red asshole, and wasn’t that good to begin with”
You’re actually defending this?! He walked with MLK for gods sake. There were so many better targets and they pick him? So yeah, Sanders can’t save black people and should no longer try.
News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias…
I know what you mean! I for one cannot stay mad at someone who so diligently day after day, comes back to the comment section. Weirdly, I felt a bit of nostalgia when I saw him around again.
(I also just wanted to say hello longsnake, long time no see)
Have you met every single person on this side of the internet except for me?
Hello Mr. Snake.