
She never delivered on her Kickstart, and her videos are filled with unverified, poorly researched, and often flat out false claims. She has been caught taking footage from other let's play videos and passing them off as her own.

Oh dear, I can see that this is going to be one of those cases where you project what you want to be reality, and then throw around ridiculous concepts like “gaslighting” like most people online with a persecution complex. I know what I wrote, you seem confused, so we should probably leave it at that, especially since

Did I say anything about her hating Overwatch? My comment specifically says “hundreds of games she hates.”

Seeing as Overwatch is a raging success, as are hundreds of other games Anita hates, I’d say that that’s the barometer of what’s fun.

Saints Row is all about mutually assured objectification. Other than that, there are very few games out there that go out of their way to objectify anyone any more than "this person is in shape."

Sarkeesian is the modern equivalent of Jack Thompson. She doesn’t take games seriously, and doesn’t like them in a way that would ever be conducive to someone researching them in hopes of bettering the medium. Her videos, especially when working with John McIntosh, are always filled with factually wrong information,